Stockholm’s mangel legends Massgrav are back with six blazing tracks of the same style they’ve been playing for decades. These guys have been blurring the lines between classic Swedish kängpunk, grindcore and rock’n’roll—released on countless records with shitty cover artworks—since 1996, and they show no signs of slowing down. I don’t really have much to say about these tracks. If you like Massgrav, you’ll enjoy every last bit of this grinding scandi-thrash experience. On the flipside, another Swedish band hailing from Örebro. Honestly, I haven’t even heard of them before today. After a quick research, I’m wholeheartedly impressed though. Turns out that Protestorm is a two-man project featuring renowned drummer Anders Jakobson (Krigshot and mighty Nasum, among many others) and Kristofer Jankarls (Livet som insats, Infanticide, and more).